Shapefile - SHP

How to Merge a shapefile (SHP) in ArcGIS !

What is a Shapefile?

Export Shapefile from Autodesk Civil 3D - Exporting and Importing SHP Files From Civil 3D

AutoCAD Map 3d - Import ShapeFile (.shp)

Importing GIS Shape (SHP) Files with MAPIMPORT in Civil 3D 2023

Shapefile (SHP) or Geodatabase Feature Class to KML/KMZ Conversion in ArcGIS

QGIS Create Shapefile || Shapefile Layer in QGIS

Easy Convert CAD DWG to GIS SHP in ArcGIS

QGIS How to convert shapefile (shp) file from one encoding to another

Easy Steps to Convert KML to SHP (Shapefile) and Back in QGIS

KML / KMZ to SHP / Shapefile Conversion in QGIS

Abrir Shapefile en QGis - 3 métodos

How to convert DWG to ShapeFile (SHP) with all layers using ArcGis

ESRI ArcGIS: Erase Shape file (Shp File)

QGIS : Convertir un fichier KML ou KMZ en Shapefile (SHP)

Convert Esri Shapefile SHP to CSV - Free Online GIS Conversion

Trimble Pathfinder Office Software: Exporting to an ESRI Shape File (.shp)

How to convert DWG to SHP

11 - Importar arquivo SHAPEFILE - SHP

Convert Shapefile SHP to GPX

QGIS 3: Export Shapefile (shp) as dxf (AutoCAD dxf)

How to Convert CSV file into Shapefile in ArcGIS

Exporting to Shapefile with ArcGIS Pro

Formatos de arquivo no QGIS: Shapefile (SHP), Geopackage (GPKG) e projeto (QGZ)